Friday, April 8, 2011

Ballet Exams Are Over!

With a sigh of relief I am glad to say that Ballet exams are done! I am simply exhausted after 2 long days and glad to be home in my comfy clothes. All in all it went well, and was a wonderful first experience for me in entering exam candidates. I will most certainly look forwrad to entering students again in the future. For those of you who don't know much about ballet exams, they are somewhat similar to piano exams. There is a set syllabus for each Grade (Primary- Grade 8) and students are required to prepare the set work and then perform it (from memory) in front of an examiner, with a live pianist. It is quite a wonderful experience which really allows the girls to devleop their technique, presentation and performance qualities. As well as learning how to deal with nerves under pressure. I am so proud of all our dancers who completed their ballet exams over the past two days. Everybody worked hard and really dedicated themselves to completing their exams successfully. Of course there were a few little hiccups along the way (only to be expected) but over all things ran smoothly. Here are some photos to document my first set of RAD Ballet exams!

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